Ohaukwu is located in Ebonyi State Nigeria. The postal/ZIP code of this L.G.A according to NIPOST ranges from 481101 to 481110. Ohaukwu’s major town is Ezzamgbo, it also has a list of villages that has postal/ZIP codes.
The headquarters of the LGA is in the town of Ezzamgbo. it shares a boundary with Benue State. Below is the complete list Of Towns and villages and their postal codes.
Table of Contents
List of Villages in Ohaukwu, their Postal Codes
- Amoffia Mgbo District
- Ezzamgbo District
- Effium District
- Umuezeaka Ogbo District
- Umuogudu Oshia District
- Ekwashi Mgbo District
- Okposi Eheku District
- Umugudu District
- Okposhi Mgbo District
- Ukwuagba Mgbo District
- How many communities are in Ohaukwu?
- Where is Ohaukwu local government?
- What is Ohaukwu local government code?
- Where is the headquarter of Ohaukwu?
List of Villages in Ohaukwu, their Postal Codes
1. Amoffia Mgbo District
Amoffia Mgbo is a village in Ohaukwu Local Government, its postal code is 481104 and it comprises the following villages; Abarigwe, Agu Ugwu, Ekwelekwe, Ishi Agu, Ndiagu Ominyi, Ndiagu Onwe, Ndulor, Ogbu Agu, Okwerike, Onweriji, Otuokpye, and Owukpa.
2. Ezzamgbo District
Ezzamgbo postal code is 481101 and the following villages use the same code; Amananta, Amechi, Amike, Amovu, Ezzamgbo, Ndi-Akpu, Ndiagu Ogbodo, Nsulakpa, Umuagara, Umuebe, and Umueze.
3. Effium District
Effium is one the fast-growing towns in Ebonyi State and it’s located in Ohaukwu Local Government. The postal code is 481110. The villages that make up Effium are Agenyi, Azuedene, Ekendiagu, Forest-Ibenda, Igbudu-Oke, Imieyom, Inikiri, Lebadongom, Legadi, Ogbodo, Ohage, Okporo, Okposo Iyede, Onuebeta, Onuokporo Okpudu, Onweigwe, Onyirigbo, Ugoeze, and Ujulele.
4. Umuezeaka Ogbo District
Umuezeaka Ogbo District postal code is 481102, The villages that make up Umuezeaka Ogbo are Azu Egu, Ndegu Icha, Ndegu Obashi, Ndiagu Akpu, Ndiagu-Obu, Ndiegu Akparata, Ndiegu Eke-Ochie, Ndiegu-Obuegu, Ndiulo-Umuezeoka, Obodo Eje, and Osha Egu.
5. Umuogudu Oshia District
The postal code for Umuogudu Oshia is 481106. The list of villages in Umuogudu Oshia are Abarigwe-Ndiagu, Effia Ulo, Effia-Ulo, Egu Ojo, Egwegwu, Ekweburu, Ndiagu Adsaburu-Ebenyi, Ndiagu Akparata, Ndiagu Udu, Ndiagu-Ugba, Ndiulu Umu-Oshia, Ogwudu Ano, Okorogbata, Osege, and Ugum Ngbo.
6. Ekwashi Mgbo District
Ekwashi Mgbo is also in Ohaukwu L.G.A, its postal code is 481108. Villages found here are:
Agugwu, Effia Ule Atani, Ekwashi, Ndiagu Idaja, Ndiagu Obu, Ndiagu, Onwe, Ndiagu Oshisha, Ndiagu-Ndulo, Ndiagu-Obegu, Ndoke, Ogbeni, Okeali, Okpororo, and Okwerike.
7. Okposi Eheku District
Another village in this L.G.A is Okposi Eheku, the postal code is 481105. The community that makes up this village is Abogodo, Agbaba-Ameffia, Ameffia, Eshi, Inyimagu, Ndiagu Eshi, Ndiagu Obu, Ndiagu Obu Ameffia, Ndiulo, Ndiulo Amefia, Nkwolu, Ojiegbe, and Otuokpeye.
8. Umugudu District
Umugudu District postcode is 481106, it comprises Akpu, Amakpu, Egwudinagu, Nbiagu Nwite, Ndi Ulo Umugudu, Ndiagu Agba, Ndiagu Orie, Obodo Ogbeni, Odebeor, Oriaja, Oshia Ituma, Umugudu, and Umuimama.
9. Okposhi Mgbo District
This District postal/ ZIP code is 481107, it comprises Agbesha, Amokwo, Igwelede Oha, Ndiagu Ode, Ndiagu Onwe, Ndiagu Ubia, and Ndiagu-Ubochi.
10. Ukwuagba Mgbo District
Ukwuagba Mgbo is a popular village in Ohaukwu Local Government, it has 481109 as its postal code. Villages in this district areAguachi, Aguorie, Ajilewe, Ndiagu Akparata, Ndiagu Anwu
Ndiagu Eze, Ndiagu Iyiogue, Ndiulo Ukwagba, Obomanagu, Ogbagede, Ogbeda, and Okpochiri.
How many communities are in Ohaukwu?
Ohaukwu has 10 major communities comprising Ezzamgbo (Izhiangbo), Umuezeaka, Okposhi Mgbo, Umuogudu, Ekwashi Mgbo, Effium, Amoffia Mgbo, Okposi Eheku, Umugudu, and Ukwuagba Mgbo.
Where is Ohaukwu local government?
Local Government Area is one of the existing thirteen local government areas in Ebonyi state, with its administrative headquarters in the town of Ezzamgbo.
What is Ohaukwu local government code?
The postal codes for Ohaukwu L.G.A start from 481101 to 481110. To find a postal code with NIPOST website, you need to fill in the fields with your Ohaukwu town or villages name. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to post office locations.
Where is the headquarter of Ohaukwu?
The administrative headquarter of Ohaukwu is Ezzamgbo town, which is one of the popular towns in Ebonyi state. It is located along the Abakaliki-Enugu expressway.