Ibeno LGA is located in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, and its postal code is 524110, covering all the areas in the LGA. Below is the list of places in Ibeno and their postal code:
Places | Postal Codes |
Akata | 524110 |
Atabrikang | 524110 |
Atai | 524110 |
Eto Esek | 524110 |
Ijung Abasi Okure | 524110 |
Ikot Inwang | 524110 |
Inua Eyet Ikot | 524110 |
Itak Abasi | 524110 |
Itak Idim Ekpe | 524110 |
Itak Idim Ukpa | 524110 |
Itak Ifa | 524110 |
Iwo Okpom | 524110 |
Iwo Okpoma Opolom | 524110 |
Iwuonchang | 524110 |
Mkpanak | 524110 |
Ndito Eka Iba | 524110 |
Ntafre | 524110 |
Okom Ita | 524110 |
Okonutip | 524110 |
Okposi I | 524110 |
Okposo II | 524110 |
Opolom | 524110 |
Upenekang | 524110 |
Usuk Ikim Ekene | 524110 |
Usuk Ikim Ukwaha (Nta Ikang) | 524110 |