The postcode for Ondo State is 340001 – 352120 for its local government areas, while the NIPOST Headquarters code number is 340001. This state is located in the South Western Zone of Nigeria and is divided into 18 local government areas, each of which has a unique postal code or ZIP code assigned by the postal service.
The Ondo State postcode, or ZIP code, is a six-digit number generated by the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST). These codes are used for sorting mail and facilitating delivery. They help determine the precise location for parcel or mail delivery, and you can use them to send and receive packages within and outside the country.
Find below the list of Ondo State LGAs and their postcodes, or ZIP codes, along with their post office addresses. Note that some LGAs in this state have no post office, so you’ll need to go to the general office.

Ondo State Postcode or Zip Code
LGA | Postcode or Zip Code | Post Office Address |
Akoko North-East | 342101 – 342232 | Opp. Olukare palace,Ilepa Street |
Akoko North-West | 342102 – 342105 | Near Onirun Palace |
Akoko South-East | 342106 – 342115 | Isua Akoko Town Square |
Akoko South-West | 342107 – 342117 | State Capital |
Akure North | 340102 – 340106 | Main Road Iju |
Akure South | 340101 – 340284 | Oba Adesida Rd.,Akure |
Ese Odo | 352106 – 352115 | Arogbo Markek Square |
Idanre | 340107 – 340109 | Idanre Roundabout |
Ifedore | 340110 – 340113 | Ijare-Ode Esi Road |
llaje | 352116 – 352120 | Church Str. Ugbonla |
Ile Oluji/Okeigbo | 3521107 – 3521111 | Akinlosoye Driver |
Irele | 352101 – 352105 | State Capital |
Odigbo | 350101 – 350107 | Sabo Road, Ore |
Okitipupa | 350104 – 350113 | Royal Road, Okitipupa |
Ondo East | 351102 – 351105 | State Capital |
Ondo West | 351101 – 351106 | Moferere Market |
Ose | 341109 -341119 | Amushogbo Quarters, Ido Ani |
Owo | 341101 – 341108 | Ise Road, Uso |
If your local government does not have a post office, you can visit the general post office located in the state capital.
Is Ondo Postal Code and ZIP Code the Same?
Both ZIP code and the postcode serve the same purpose. The only difference is that ZIP code describes the postal numbering system used in the United States and the Philippines, while the postal code is used in other countries such as Nigeria, Canada, South Africa, China, the UK, etc.