Nigeria Postal Code Ebonyi State

Ebonyi State is one of the five states in South Eastern part of Nigeria its postal code is 840001. This number is the head office postal code which is located along Water Works Road, Abakaliki.

The State is made up of thirteen (13) Local Government Areas (LGAs) and 19 additional development centers; in this article, you’ll find their names and postal/ZIP codes.

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Postal Code for Ebonyi State By L.G.A

Postal Code By Towns


Nigeria Postal Code Ebonyi State By L.G.A

Map of Ebonyi State
L.G.APostal CodeOffice Location
Abakaliki480103 – 480282Water Works Road
Afikpo North490101 – 490103Afikpo
Afikpo South480106Nguzu Edda
Ebonyi480101 – 480105Water Works Road/Ugbodo
Ezza North482102 – 482122Ebiaji
Ezza South482102 – 482122Onueke
Ikwo482123 – 482136Onuebonyi Echara
Ishielu481118 – 481124Ezzillo
Ivo482115 – 491105Isiaka
Izzi480111 – 480113Iboko
Ohaozara491101 – 491103Obiozara
Ohaukwu481101 – 481110Ezzamgbo
Oniocha491106 – 491110Isu

The state was created in 1996 by the then-federal military government led by General Sani Abacha and the capital is Abakaliki.

The common benefit of postal codes is that it ensures that mail and shipments reach their receivers without any delays.

With a valid Postal Code, you can receive packages from different parts of the world from the comfort of your home in Ebonyi State. to learn more about postal codes in Nigeria read Postal Code and ZIP Code: How They Work.

Postal Code By Towns

TownPostal CodeL.GA Location
Afikpo490101Afikpo North
Onueke481001Ezza South
Ozizza490103Afikpo North

Note that the national telephone code +234 is different from the postal code. Postal code is six numeric digits, it doesn’t start with plus (+) sign. So don’t make the mistake of using +234 when you’re asked for your local government or state postal code instead use the codes listed above according to your location in Ebonyi State.


How do I track my parcel in Ebonyi State?

Often, NIPOST office tracking of parcels is done using postal codes. When registering for any online delivery service, you are asked to provide your postal code. This way, getting your parcel becomes easy. you can also track the status of your order from anywhere.

These postal code details have been gathered from the Postal Code website published as published by NIPOST. NgnPostal accepts no responsibility for errors that may be a result of the country’s postal service corporation.

Is 23401 the ZIP Code for Ebonyi State?

23401 is not the correct ZIP code for Ebonyi State, it is the international dialing code for Nigerian phone numbers, not the country’s actual ZIP code/ Postal.

234 is used when you want to call someone outside Nigeria or someone outside the country wants to call you, the person must add +234 before your number.

Ebonyi State postal codes given by the NIpost in Nigeria are also referred to as ZIP codes for Nigeria Ebonyi State. The various Ebonyi postal codes help you to send and receive items from different parts of the city easily.

For those who want to buy items online, having Ebonyi postal codes will ease the process for you.