Kebbi Postal Code Map, Post Office Address

The Kebbi postal code is 860001 – 872107, while the NIPOST Headquarters code number is 860001. This state is located in the northwest geopolitical zone and is divided into 21 local government areas, each of which has a unique postal code or ZIP code assigned by the postal service.

The Kebbi State postal code, or ZIP code, is a six-digit number generated by the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST). These codes are used for sorting mail and facilitating delivery. They help determine the precise location for parcel or mail delivery, and you can use them to send and receive packages within and outside the country.

Find below the list of Kebbi State LGAs and their postal codes, or ZIP codes, along with their post office addresses. Note that some LGAs in this state have no post office.

Kebbi Postal Code Map

LGAPostal CodePost Office Address
Aleiro 863102 – 863104GRA Road beside NITEL Office Zuru
Arewa Dandi 861106 – 861107Market Road, Kangiwa, opposite Primary Health care
Argungu 861101 – 861281Along Sokoto, Behind NITEL Office, Tudun Wada Argung
Augie 861104 – 861105
Bagudo 871101 -871104Yelwa Yauri opposite Emir’s Palace,Yauri
Birnin Kebbi 860101 – 860281No. 1 Haliru Abdu Road, Opp. Sir Yahaya Memorial Hospital, Birnin kebbi
Bunza 862101 – 862103Along Kamba, Road,Near GTC Bunza
Dandi 862105
Danko/Wasagu 872103 – 872104
Fakai 872102Along Zuru Road, Beside Districk head’s Residence, Mahuta
Gwandu 860102 – 860104Malisa Road, FGGC Gwandu
Jega 863101 – 863102Sokoto Road,Opp. Ni’ima Cinema,Jega
Kalgo 862104 – 862105
Koko/Besse 871105Beside Emir’s Palace, Kamba
Maiyama 863103
Ngaski 870103 – 870104
Sakaba 872105Unguwar Joga Opp. Local Govt. Sec. Bagudo
Shanga 870105 – 870106
Suru 862106 – 862108
Yauri 870101 – 870102Baraya Area opposite Koko Local Government Secretariat Koko
Zuru 872101 – 872107No. 1 Ribah Road, Beside Gen. Tanko Ayuba House, Dirin Daji

If your local government does not have a post office, you can visit the general post office located in the state capital, Kebbi.

Kebbi Postal Code vs. ZIP Code Difference

Both the ZIP code and the postal code serve the same purpose. The only difference is that ZIP code describes the postal numbering system used in the United States and the Philippines, while the postal code is used in other countries such as Canada, South Africa, China, the UK, Nigeria, etc.