List of 176 Postal Codes for Owerri Nigeria

Postal Codes for Owerri Nigeria

The postal code for streets and places in Owerri is the range 460001 to 460281. Owerri is the capital city of Imo State in southeastern Nigeria, Africa. It is situated in the eastern part of the country and serves as an important cultural, economic, and political center in the region. For more specific information on … Read more

Categories Imo

Postal Code For Imo State Nigeria

Postal Code For Imo State

Imo State postal code is arranged according to local government areas. There are 27 local government areas in Imo State. These local government areas have unique postal codes assigned to each of them. Also, in these local governments, there are towns and villages with different postal codes. Additionally, some streets and areas share the same … Read more

Categories Imo