Postal Code for Makurdi Benue State

Postal Codes for Makurdi Benue State

Makurdi is the capital of Benue State. In this place, there are different postal or zip codes for various districts, ranging from 970001 to 972281. Each district has its own unique code, ensuring accurate mail delivery. If you need specific information on the postal codes for different areas within Makurdi, you can find the details … Read more

Benue Postal Code

Benue Postal Code

Benue State, situated in the heart of Nigeria’s North Central region, is not only known for its picturesque landscapes but also for its administrative structure, including the postal code system for parcel delivery. As of the 2006 census, Benue State boasts a population of 4,253,641 people, making it the 9th most populous state in Nigeria. … Read more